Fran Marchand and her daughter Hayley wrap gifts for the Magic of Christmas.

Forsythe Middle School seventh grader, Alex LeFort, wraps up a gift for a young boy.
Anna’s Kindness helped wrap it up for the Magic of Christmas in Ann Arbor. Thank you to Wendy Valtadoros and her daughter Melanie, as well as Fran and Chuck Marchand and their daughter Hayley for braving the roads in a winter storm warning to join Anna’s Kindness in downtown Ann Arbor to help wrap Christmas presents for children who otherwise would not receive gifts.
The tables filled with presents seemed daunting when the volunteers first arrived, especially since a number of volunteers had to cancel due to the bad weather. But ‘magically’ all the presents were wrapped in less than 3 hours. All told, the Magic of Christmas organization wrapped over 1,000 donated gifts for 250 deserving children in the area over the course of 3 nights, and the presents are now ready to be delivered to homes by the Ann Arbor Police Department in time for Christmas.
Thank you to the Anna’s Kindness volunteers for being Magic of Christmas ‘elves’ for one night.

Melanie Valtadaros and her mother Wendy put the finishing touches on presents for less fortunate children.
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