Andria O’Hara helps the Michigan Blue Jays’ Anthony Viglianti, Todd Sinclair and Tyler Ramsby hand out pizza to the homeless Friday night at Liberty Park Plaza in downtown Ann Arbor.
There was a larger than usual January crowd of homeless guests awaiting food Friday night at Ann Arbor’s Liberty Park Plaza.
One reason may have been the warmer temps, as it remained nearly 40 degrees by the time the meal service started a 7 p.m..

Mallory and Mason Meads pour warm drinks for guests at Liberty Park Plaza.
Tyler Ramsby guessed another reason the crowd was large.
“The first thing I said when I opened up the pizza box was, ‘Man that pizza looks good.’”
Tyler and his U11 Michigan Blue Jays teammates joined Anna’s Kindness Friday night at Liberty Plaza to help feed the less fortunate.
Tyler, Anthony Viglianti, Todd Sinclair and his brother Ryan handed out slices of pizza to the long hungry line of guests.
“I was surprised at how many people were there,” said Tyler.
“Yeah, and how much pizza they ate,” added Ryan. “They had 20 pizzas.” In fact, the pizza ran out well before the scheduled hour of meal service was over.
Nate Morse and Gavin O’Hara handed out bags of food and bottled water to a line of guests.
Chelsea Beach Middle School students Mason and Mallory Meads made coffee and other hot beverages. Mason admitted he didn’t know much about making coffee before the evening began, but with a quick lesson from his mother Crystal, he became proficient in no time.
And as the meal service concluded, and the ballplayers helped load up the church van, they left with a feeling of satisfaction, summarized best by ballplayer Gavin O’Hara.
“I had fun because I like making people happy.”
Interested in joining Anna’s Kindness for a student volunteer event? Email us at annaskindness@yahoo.com. Also please consider liking Anna’s Kindness on Facebook and/or following on Instagram and Twitter.

Nate Morse and Gavin O’Hara hand out bottled water and bags of food.

The Michigan Blue Jays U11 boys baseball team joined Anna’s Kindness Friday night to help feed the homeless at Liberty Park Plaza in Ann Arbor. (Front left) Gavin O’Hara, Ryan Sinclair, Tyler Ramsby, (back left) Mason Meads, Nate Morse, Anthony Viglianti, and Todd Sinclair.
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