How much water can you keep in your cup while Forsythe sixth grader Helena Myler (right) helps turn the jump rope?
The Peace Neighborhood Center elementary school students went home happy, taking with them prizes and, in some cases, wet clothing.

Deon Wilson helps get a blindfolded contestant to the starting line for a race.
Forsythe seventh grader Tessa Hanrath may have gone home a little embarrassed.
Peace held its annual end-of-school-year carnival for its students Tuesday, and Anna’s Kindness volunteers helped manage the carnival games.
Seventh grader Deon Wilson had the unenviable job of calling the winner in a footrace on the front lawn, even though it wasn’t that close. But that didn’t stop the runner-up from challenging Deon’s ruling.
“She was trying to tell me it was a tie,” explained Deon.
For fellow seventh grade Kee DeKeyzer, it was far more dangerous than a debate. Kee was holding up hula hoops for the football toss, and not all the contestants were accurate, which often meant Kee was dancing out of the way.
“This one boy was whipping it as hard as he could, and he hit me twice,” said Kee.
Things were a little more placid at Lake Peace, where eighth grader Joyce Kafi was helping with the duck race. Contestants squared off in a race across a bucket of water; the winner would be the one who could get their plastic duck from one end to the other fastest using only a water pistol.
“It was funny because whenever someone didn’t win, they were like “They started ahead of me.,” said Joyce.
There was always a winner at the jump rope water challenge, which Helena Myler helped manage. Two children stood with a water cup in their hand and tried to jump rope while losing the least amount of water.

Tessa Hanrath hands out a prize in the bean bag toss.
“Some of them were having problems jumping over the rope,” smiled Helena, although plenty of them did, because the sidewalk was drenched with spilled water by the time the game was over and they had run out of prizes.
There seemed to be a lot of winners at the bean bag toss as well, where Tessa seemed to be constantly running out of her prizes: bead necklaces.
But it may be the water balloon toss that Tessa remembers the most from Tuesday. After the students had completed their version of the game, volunteers lined up across from staff to toss the balloons.
Tessa’s first water balloon toss to her partner was more of a chest-high fastball, a line shot that exploded all over her partner’s shirt and face. He was drenched, and Tessa turned the same shade as the exploded balloon: red.
It was a great afternoon and all the Peace kids went home with prizes, wet clothing, or both. Anna’s Kindness volunteers went home knowing they played a part in providing an afternoon f fun for the elementary school students.
Thank you to Raven, Bonnie and the Peace staff for allowing Anna’s Kindness volunteers to assist with the carnival.

Forsythe eighth grader Joyce Kafi helped run the cutest game at the carnival: the plastic duck race.

Forsythe seventh grader Kee DeKeyzer holds a hula hoop for contestants in the football toss.
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