Waking up extra early on Christmas morning is a foregone conclusion in a house with children.
But children waking up early on Christmas in order to feed breakfast to the less fortunate is special.
Forsythe 8th grader Kee DeKeyzer, 7th grader Alex Swanson and his older brother Erik spent their Christmas morning at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, where they teamed up with Forsythe teachers Margaret Raupp and Zahra Seyam to serve a hot breakfast to those in need as part of The Breakfast at St. Andrews.
Anna’s Kindness volunteers arrived at 7 a.m. to prep the morning meal of oatmeal and grits for guests. The one-hour food service began at 7:30 a.m., and then our volunteers helped to clean up the kitchen and wash dishes after.
We’d like to thank all of the volunteers for spending part of their holiday serving others. And a special thanks to Mrs. Raupp and Ms. Seyam for co-hosting the event on behalf of Anna’s Kindness.
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