Like a slow-moving vacuum cleaner, the toddlers and their parents moved methodically down the grass, sweeping up all the eggs that Anna’s Kindness volunteers had laid out on Saturday.
And when we say ‘all the eggs’, we mean all 2,000 plastic eggs filled with treats that our volunteers had placed in the grass at the Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds.
More than 15 Anna’s Kindness volunteers from middle schools across Ann Arbor set up an Easter Egg Hunt for foster care children from across the region. The hunt served as the capstone to the annual Easter Party which was hosted by the Michigan Foster Care Closet.
Our volunteers set out the 2,000 eggs for three different age group hunts, and then organized and managed the hunt for more than 60 children and their parents.
Yes, that’s right, if you’re doing the math, that’s exactly a whole lot of eggs and joy for every egg hunter.
And it was quite a sight to see. As soon as the volunteers finished their countdown, the 4-and-under age group started moving down the field, picking up every egg in their path, leaving nothing behind. It was a slow, methodical cleaning of the grass which had just minutes earlier been littered with a sea of colorful plastic eggs.
The other age groups (5-8 and 9-up) did their part as well, and when the 5-8 group was finished but eggs remained, the toddler group moved in and swept up the remainder.
The egg gatherers did such a good job of combing the grass, there was very little pickup to do for our Anna’s Kindness volunteers.
Thank you to Rachael, Shari, and the Foster Closet for allowing Anna’s Kindness to coordinate the holiday hunt. And thank you to our team coordinators Cathy, Hayley, Meg, and Colleen for their leadership with the middle schoolers.
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