Slauson Middle School students spent a part of their holiday weekend serving others.
Anna’s Kindness volunteers folded clothes, sorted toys, and stocked shelves for the Michigan Foster Care Closet Saturday morning. The Closet provides clothing, shoes, toys, linens, school supplies, toiletries and more to local foster children and their families free of charge.
Slauson 8th graders Mia Sanborn and Maddie Baybeck sorted through donations, folded clothes, and stocked the shelves of the Closet. Seventh grader Trinity Harris and sixth grader Rex Bajcz spent time in the garage going through bins of donated toys to determine which ones would be placed on the shelves. And sixth grader Tori Williamson-Cardneau spent some of her morning helping one foster care child select items to take home.
Thank you to Rachael for allowing us to be part of your mission to provide assistance to families in need. And thanks to Cathy and her daughter Mia for hosting this project on behalf of Anna’s Kindness.
Rex Bajcz and Trinity Harris go through a bin of donated toys. Tori Williamson-Cardneau helps a young girl find some items to take home with her. Mia Sanborn hangs up clothes. Trinity Harris and Maddie Baybeck hang up girls tops. Rachael Suggins explains the mission of the Foster Closet with the volunteers. Monica Harris, Maddie Baybeck, and Mia Sanborn sort through donated clothing.
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