Miss Lydia knows good art when she sees it. The daughter of an art teacher spent many a childhood evening learning from her mom as she graded student projects and created her own museum masterpieces.
So on Saturday she was quick to compliment the colorful paintings being produced right before her eyes.
“This is all so beautiful. They’re very talented,” Miss Lydia said of the eight Anna’s Kindness student volunteers who spent the afternoon with her and other senior citizens living at The Gilbert Residence.
Students from Forsythe, Clague and Tappan middle schools led seniors in painting Thanksgiving (and even a few Christmas) cards and pictures to send to loved ones.
Tappan Middle School’s Griffin Ondrick and Mia Corcoran; Forsythe Middle School’s Maya Kama, Michal Kama, Chelsey Hewett, and Celia Begosso; and Clague Middle School’s Kriya Jaiganesh and Sweta Balakrishnan are amazing artists, indeed. In addition, they were kind and compassionate while spending some quality time with the seniors Saturday afternoon.
Thanks very much to Miss Beth and The Gilbert Residence staff who hosted Anna’s Kindness and to Miss Maureen who scheduled the craft activity.
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