If there was a Disneyland for cats, this may be it. And there may be no kitties more deserving of living in an entertainment wonderland than those at Leuk’s Landing.
Six middle school students from Anna’s Kindness helped out at Leuk’s Landing on Sunday, organizing all the donated cat food in the shed outside. The volunteers worked in shifts, due to the cold weather, and finished the task in 30 minutes. They spent the next 90 minutes playing with the dozens of cats at the nonprofit home, which provides a permanent place for cats with feline leukemia to live out their lives, and thereby saving them from euthanasia.
Leuk’s Landing prides itself on providing a quality of life for cats that may not have a quantity of life remaining, and boy do they ever. There was every type of cat toy, bed, scratching post, tree, wheel, ledge … you name it. The only thing missing was bumper cars and a merry go-round.
And even though the kitty entertainment options would put an amusement park to shame, many of the cats seemed to enjoy it most when the students simply sat on a sofa or chair and let them jump up and join them.
Thank you to Forsythe Middle School’s Heather Hale, Tappan’s Brooklyn Crisostomo and Colette Riggs, Slauson’s Isabel Ribick and Keira McDonald, and Clague’s Emily Plum for spending quality time with all the kitties, and to Leuk’s Landing for allowing us to take part in their heartwarming mission. Thank you to Sarah for helping to chaperone, and a big thanks to Christine for hosting this event for Anna’s Kindness.