What do cats love even more than their kitty wonderland at Leuk’s Landing?
Being given the freedom to head outside after a long winter.
Our Anna’s Kindness volunteers from Forsythe Middle School Ivy, Huck, Pavel, Norah, and Rylan got to enjoy the warm spring weather with the 33 cats living at Leuk’s, which provides a home for kittens diagnosed with feline leukemia.
Ivy fell in love with a cat named Meadow. Huck shared that he doesn’t have a pet at home, so he really enjoys all of the Anna’s Kindness events involving animals. Norah especially enjoyed when the cats crawled up in her lap, sometimes 2 or 3 at a time. Rylan has a cat at home and wondered how feline leukemia affected the cats at Leuk’s Landing. And Pavel expressed what many of the volunteers were thinking: He wished he could stay there all day and keep petting the cats.
Thank you to Alison and her daughter Norah for hosting this event on our behalf. A special thank you to Andrea, Leona, Kelly, and Jackie for helping make this happen for the student volunteers.