It was raining cats and dogs Saturday morning. But unlike cats, the dogs still wanted their morning walk … rain or not.
Anna’s Kindness volunteers arrived at Mikey & Me foster dog facility Saturday morning to a steady rain, but the students had dressed accordingly because the dogs at Mikey & Me were still going to want to get out of their kennels, stretch their legs, and venture outside.
Students from Slauson, Clague and Tappan middle schools — along with their parents — spent time with the Mikey & Me dogs that were patiently awaiting adoption into their forever homes. Even though the volunteers spent a lot of time inside with the dogs on Saturday due to the weather, their mere presence electrified the dogs throughout the morning.
When Olivia and her mother took Shadow out for a walk, they found out quickly that Shadow loved to lay on his back every 20 feet for a scratch and rub. Therefore the walk took a lot longer than normal.
Maddie and her mother were not dog owners, so this visit was not only a way to acclimate the dogs to new people, it helped Maddie get more comfortable with dogs. By the time the visit ended. Maddie was on one knee, holding and petting one of the ‘residents’, having overcome any reluctance and already talking about the possibility of owning a dog.
Adam and his dad made sure any dog that wanted a walk, got one. They braved the elements, and even spent time playing fetch with Cassie in Mikey & Me’s playpen … albeit a little wetter and muddier than usual.
Lucy and Nathan and their parents alternated between kennels and the new play area in the back of the barn, which allows potential adoptive parents to spend time visiting with dogs.
By the time it was over, the weather had finally started to clear, but it didn’t matter. The dogs were satisfied and happily exhausted after the visit from Anna’s Kindness volunteers.
Thank you to Slauson Middle School’s Olivia Bevilacqua, Nathan Armstrong, and Adam Gardner, Clague Middle School’s Lucy Winkler, and Tappan Middle School’s Maddie Gaines and their parents for spending quality time with the rescued dogs at Mikey & Me. And thanks to Dan and his volunteers for hosting our students.