One dog is dealing with the stress of heartworm treatments. Another is awaiting dental restoration surgery. Another suffers from an acute fear of larger dogs. And yet another is not eating well yet, having just arrived a few days earlier.
But when Anna’s Kindness volunteers showed up at Mikey & Me foster care facility over the weekend, none of those ailments and issues mattered, not to the dogs nor to the Anna’s Kindness volunteers who came to spend time with them. Mikey & Me takes in rescued dogs from shelters and helps find them forever homes. In the meantime, they help the dogs get medical treatment or training to prepare them for life as a family pet.
And the Anna’s Kindness middle schoolers are a helpful part of that preparation. The students spent time with the dogs (Buddy, Rusty, Wally, Gracie and Cody) in their kennels and out on walks, which acclimates the dogs to new, young faces — perfect training should they adopted into a home with children.
Thank you to Clague Middle School’s Alex Hannah, Katelyn Grant, and Sophie Lee; Forsythe Middle School’s Tess Campbell, Riley Howe and Kaiwen Smith; and Tappan Middle School’s Arthur Sherwood. And a very special thank you to Dan and all his Mikey & Me adult volunteers for allowing us to visit with his current ‘residents’.