Foster care children sometimes only have the clothes on their back when they are placed with a new family.
The Michigan Foster Care Closet ensures that’s not all they have.
Our Anna’s Kindness volunteers spent last weekend sorting through all the donations which had accumulated at the Closet. The Foster Closet provides clothing, toys, school supplies, toiletries — all free of charge — to foster families and their children. It gives families one less thing to worry about as they help these children transition into their household. And the Closet makes it super easy for families to select what they need.
But during the pandemic, volunteer hours were drastically reduced and donations at the Closet began to accumulate. So, as soon as it was safe to do so, the Closet’s Rachael Siggins reached out to Anna’s Kindness for assistance with the backlog.
Or volunteers worked safely outdoors, each middle school student paired up with a parent. Forsythe Middle School’s Teddy Ham and Kaiwen Smith, Slauson’s Stacy Stamadianos and their parents carefully selected the best quality items from each clothing group, sorted them by size, folded them expertly, and then stocked them inside the Closet — which takes up the entire basement of Siggins’ Plymouth home. The volunteers were joined by Anna’s mother, Fran, and her brother Alex.
Thanks to our Anna’s Kindness volunteers and to Rachael and the Michigan Foster Care Closet for all that you do to lift up and love foster children.