For families with a parent that is incarcerated, Christmas can be a stressful time of year.
Anna’s Kindness volunteers joined with 2l42 Community Church’s Angel Tree program Saturday morning to alleviate a little of the stress.
Our volunteers from Pioneer and Huron High School joined with Anna’s mom, Fran, and greeted the families as they arrived for the annual Prison Fellowship Angel Tree Christmas program. Volunteers helped the guest families make holiday crafts, decorate cookies, play games, sing carols, and … of course … pick up specially chosen Christmas gifts.
Pioneer freshmen Clara Peikert and Stacy Stamadianos and Huron sophomore Kriya Jaiganesh played Santa for each family at the end of their visit. They greeted the parents, got their names, then stepped into the backroom and returned with specially tagged bags of gifts for each family’s children. More than two dozen families attended the Angel Tree Christmas, and those who couldn’t make … no worries … the presents were dropped off at their homes this week. More than 80 children benefited from 2/42’s program this year, and with a holiday assist from Anna’s Kindness volunteers.