Anna’s Kindness volunteers served as both Santa’s elves and Santa’s reindeer … all in the same evening.
More than 20 volunteers spent Wednesday evening wrapping nearly 200 Christmas gifts for underprivileged children served by Community Action Network. There were dolls, games, toy trucks … you name it … along with more than 100 gift cards so the children could shop for themselves.
And once the wrapping was complete, several of the elves switched to become Santa’s reindeer, helping transport the gifts to the Bryant Community Center, where the gifts were to be given out to families at the upcoming CAN Christmas party.
Thank you to the Baskey, Rober, Van Lent, Colias, Hale, and Jones families, Kate Lewit, Helena Myler, and Anna’s mom Fran and her brother Alex for doing a wonderful job of wrapping. A special thank you to Beth Lipton for her amazing coordination, and to the FUMC donors and the Community Action Network, for its tremendous mission serving the underresourced families in the community.