Two straight days. Middle schoolers Thursday, high schoolers Friday. And dozens upon dozens of bags of donated clothes scrutinized, sorted, and stacked.
Anna’s Kindness volunteers pulled double duty at the Michigan Foster Care Closet, which provides clothing, shoes, coats, toys, school supplies, toiletries … you name it … for foster children and their families free of charge. The Closet is a mini-department store in the basement of a home, providing essential items and peace of mind for foster families. About 65-70 kids are served each month by the Foster Closet.
Our middle school student volunteers on Thursday went through bags of clothes, sorted items in the garage, and worked through items in the drop-off sheds located in the driveway just outside the home. They even started a bonfire out back to burn some of the unnecessary cardboard boxes.
Our high school volunteers helped transition the Closet to spring, taking inventory of all the winter coats and bagging them by size to be stored and help make room for warm weather clothing. The team also sorted through a shed full of new donations and sized and put away clothes so they’re ready for new foster families.
Thank you to middle school volunteers Joey Ball, Eva Rutyna, Chelsea Nguyen, Kaia Wong, and Jake Carnell (and their parents) and our high schoolers Bailey Edison, Lucas Johal-Smith, Lewis McCammon, Lakshya Jaiganesh, Kaiwen Smith and Anna’s brother Alex (and their parents who stayed to help). Thanks to Leanne Hinz for hosting the event on behalf of Anna’s Kindness. And a special thanks to The Closet’s Rachael Secord for allowing us to help in her wonderful mission.
