KJ and Steve didn’t sign up to volunteer with Anna’s Kindness Sunday afternoon, but they showed up anyway.
And they had a half-dozen friends with them. Party crashers.
Anna’s Kindness brought more than a dozen high school volunteers and parents out to the Barn Sanctuary in Chelsea on Sunday. The Sanctuary provides a safe, caring home for farm animals which have been neglected, abused or abandoned.
And although you’d think a dozen volunteers would be plenty to clean up the goat pens, apparently the Sanctuary residents felt more help was needed. KJ, Steve, Winona and a half-dozen other goats roamed around our volunteers as they worked, requesting attention, inspecting the progress, and occasionally looking to make a break for it when the pen gates were opened (nice try).
Even with the goats tightly overseeing (interrupting?) the work, the volunteers managed to clear out dozens of buckets of hay, droppings, and debris from the pens in less than 2 hours. Their hard work helped reveal the grass underneath, which the goats hadn’t seen most of the winter. Goats enjoy the hay, but there’s nothing like fresh green grass straight from the ground.
Since our volunteers finished so quickly, they moved to the adjacent donkey pens and shoveled up the droppings. The donkeys had seen what a great job our volunteers had done with the goat pens, and demanded that their living quarters receive equal treatment.
Thank you to Skyline High School’s Heather Hale, Emily Plum, Huck Amick, Stuart and Graham Knight; Pioneer High School’s Mia Sanborn, Megan Faunce, and Elise Braun, and their parents who did tremendous work clearing the goat pens. Thank you to Kate Lewit for co-hosting this project for Anna’s Kindness. And a special thanks to the Barn Sanctuary for helping make this volunteer project a reality for Anna’s Kindness.
