6:45 a.m. comes early for a high school student. Especially on a Saturday.
Three of our original Anna’s Kindness volunteers from 2017 — Ann Arbor Pioneer seniors Hayley Marchand, Luke Packard, and Melanie Valtadoros — returned to serve breakfast in the wee hours of Sunday morning as part of The Breakfast at St. Andrews.
The students filled paper bags with cereal, milk, juice, and raisins, and set up outside to distribute to the homeless and those in need. Melanie served coffee, Luke handed our warm breakfast sandwiches, and Hayley handled all the logistics and ‘supply chain’ issues. Nearly three dozen people in need of a hot meal, and some friendly conversation, were served by our Anna’s Kindness alumni.
Thank you to Hayley, a former classmate and soccer teammate of Anna, for setting up the service project to honor her friend.