You just know they won’t be around for long. And that’s a good thing. A great thing.
When you’ve been out to the Mikey & Me foster dog rescue as often as Anna’s Kindness volunteers, you can tell within minutes whether one of the foster dogs you meet there will be adopted quickly into its forever home. On Sunday morning, it was fairly clear that just about all of them will be.
Our Anna’s Kindness volunteers met Dozer, the loving bulldog who greeted each volunteer as they arrived and sat at their feet. Timid Australian shepherd Maddie showed the potential to be a loving, loyal companion once comfortable with her surroundings. Diego and Tanner had the energy of 10 teenagers, bringing life to any room they entered. And lastly, lab mix puppies Niko and Molly will be the first to be adopted because, well, hey, they’re puppies.
Our volunteers helped take the dogs for long walks, short runs, a trip to their outdoor play pen, or just simply lounging in the ‘living room’ in the back of the diary barn where the dogs temporarily live. Being around our high school volunteers was an opportunity for the dogs to be socialized, not only with children but also with larger groups, a way of acclimating them to the potential lifestyle in their future homes.
Thanks to our Anna’s Kindness volunteers: Huron High School’s Ashe Baskey, Pioneer High School’s Megan Faunce, Skyline High School’s Jocelyn Wall, Stuart Knight, Huck Amick, Nico Colias (and his brother Toby), and Anna’s Kindness alumnus Hayley Marchand. A very special thanks to Anna’s Kindness board members Chuck, Kate, and Vanessa who helped host the event. And we sincerely appreciate Mikey & Me’s Dan DePew for allowing our volunteers to help in a small way with his wonderful mission.